Health Ministries

Good health has long been a vital part of the mission, work, and message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We believe that healing must include all facets of our well-being — physical, mental, social, and spiritual. This website offers resources and tools for Health Ministry leaders to engage, uplift, and empower them to serve intelligently, wisely, and with passion.

We also encourage others who are looking for great health education resources, information, and a community to support them through their personal health journey.  Wherever we may be on that road now, we believe the God’s desire is to bring us to a better place.  And He desires us to get there together with Him and with each other.

Our mission

The mission of the NAD Health Ministries department is to share hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ.

By promoting whole-person health principles we demonstrate the love of God, Who’s desire is “that all is well with you and that you enjoy good health in the same way that you prosper spiritually” (3 John 2, CEB). By linking biblical spirituality with practical health principles, we help each other find healing for our afflictions and hope for our future.

Health Ministry is the gospel of Christ illustrated, the message of God practiced. Without it, the gospel witness is muted; it is merely a theory, an idea.

By connecting together, we can be more effective in promoting the health, healing, and wholeness of the community. We can bring healing to individuals in our own churches, our schools, and our homes. Together, we can fulfill God’s plan to restore hope in Christ to a world that is hurting in body, mind, and soul.


Health Ministries Director

Xavier Duggan